Attend Training
Make it stand out.
FAM Care Community Clinics
Learn how to care for at-risk kids and their families through a step-by-step model called Family Advocacy Ministries (FAMs). FAMs create much-needed support for foster, kinship care, adoptive families, and biological families in crisis. During this Clinic, we’ll equip you on how to build and lead a successful FAM, with a focus on developing Care Communities to support foster families, adoptive, and biological families, within your local church so you can help provide what vulnerable children need most - strong families.
We’ve streamlined our training process to allow you to begin your training from home - making the process easy and convenient for people like you. Get started now by signing up for FAM Basics.
Step 1: Sign up to attend a FAM Basics Clinic
Step 2: Sign up to attend an upcoming FAM Care Community Clinic.
In partnership with our Affiliate Partner, Promise686, get started with our virtual training opportunity by registering for one of the dates listed below. Once registered, you will receive online access to continue your online learning to complete an additional ninety (90) minutes of materials to fully prepare you to complete the four (4) hour virtual live training session.